Truth and Democracy

Inviting those who live in the right-wing alternate universe to join the rest of us out here in reality.

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Location: Hackensack, New Jersey, United States

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Sickness of the Republican Leadership

Nearly 15 years ago, a woman named Terri Schiavo fell into a vegetative state. She cannot live without artificial assistance. For many years, her husband and her parents have been fighting a legal battle over whether or not to let go of her. The legal matter involved has been settled several times but each time it has, opportunistic politicians have gotten in the way. They are capable of absolutely no shame whatsoever.

Here is what will happen if the final chapter in this battle is played out this week. When Terri Schiavo passes, the "religious" right wing will lash out violently at what they will call "liberal activist judges" who allowed Michael Schiavo to "murder" his wife. Wherever you turn your dial, you won't be able to escape this pathetic and purely political message. Being Easter week, the references to Jesus will be copious. Here's the problem, though; no one stuck any feeding tubes down Jesus' throat when he was lowered from the cross. If they did, I don't remember hearing about it.

The poor woman is gone, let her go! If there are any stupid, bleeding heart liberal do-gooders involved in this case, it is the religious fanatics who make vigil outside the Schiavo home on their knees in the sidewalk. Do they want what's best for Terri Schiavo? No. They refuse to listen to what the doctors say. Hasn't she suffered long enough for them? I thought they believed that God chose for us when it is our time to go, not man? Apparently not. Now they suddenly believe in science with great fervor.

As for the politicians, they are the lowest of the bottom feeding low lifes this country has ever seen. For several years one of the lowest of these, Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, the man who brought you his slow-witted brother as President, has been aligning himself against the courts, the doctors and apparently the personal wishes of Terri Schiavo herself. Bush has taken political advantage of the suffering of Schiavo's parents, who clearly and somewhat understandably refuse to let go of their daughter, in order to gain votes and position himself to run for President in a Party where you now need serious "Christian credentials" in order to win.

Florida legislators, "Christian" activists and even the US House of Representatives have since joined this ghoulish bandwagon. When right-wing politicians use the term "liberal activist judges", here's what they really mean, "judges who base their decisions on legality and constitutionality rather than the will of a few religious zealots". Now, when you hear this term bandied about on topics like abortion or gay marriage, you will be able to do the translation for yourself.

There's a special place in Hell for politicians who look at a private situation in which all involved are suffering terribly, see the narrow political gain they can reap and ride that gravy train as far as it will take them no matter what the consequences are for those at the heart of the matter. The above rule applies to "Christian" activists, Legislators, Governors, Congressmen and women and even Presidents! Let's hope they remember this and think first before opening their mouths in the coming week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NeoCons just want to keep moving us toward totalitarianism. They think they know what is best for all us poor little dumb folk.

I think they see this as another tool to further wedge us toward a police state.

As the blog goddess put it the "Radical Regligious Reich" or RRR

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the spelling, that should be Radical Religious Reich


6:19 PM  

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